Skin Peel Progress + Second Treatment @ Mediviron UOA

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, February 25, 2014 0 comments
A continuation from my previous post on Mediviron UOA, here's an update on my skin condition after getting the skin peel treatment done.During the first few days, my skin was dry and the skin felt tighter as it is covered by the layer of dead skin. An example that I would give it that the skin feel tight as though when you are applying a layer of peel off masks. The skin under my eye was slightly...

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WE ARE ONE CELEBRATES ‘PLACE IN THE SUN’ AS OFFICIAL WINE SPONSORThe WE ARE ONE Colour Festival is excited to announcePlace in the Sun as the official wine sponsor for South Africa’s original colour festival series. The popular and annual festival has taken the country by storm, encouraging festival-goers to dress in white and enjoy a day of top dance music, sun andan hourly powder-throw countdown....

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KT Tunstall & Donavon Frankenreiter at PARKLIFE FESTIVAL CAPETOWN   BreakoutManagement and DStv are excited to announce that KTTunstall & Donavon Frankenreiterwill be performing at the KirstenboschBotanical Gardens on Thursday, the 20th of March 2014.KTTunstall is no stranger to SA Musicfans and has had countless hits on radio with singles such as"Suddenly I See","Other Side...

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 RAMFEST 2014Presentedby RedHeart RumCAPETOWN: 6– 9 March: Elandskloof, VilliersdorpRAMfestfamily, the wait is almost over… The THUNDER is BACK! Pack yourbags and tents, bring your friends and join us for an epic weekend ofinsanely great music! BiffyClyro (Scotland),Foals (UK), KillswitchEngage (USA), Camoand Krooked (Austria) featuring Dynamite MC (UK), Trivium (USA.),VuvuVultures,aKing,...

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Vested with John Varvatos Star USA and Scotch & Soda

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
WardrobeJacket & Vest: John Varvatos Star USADenim: Scotch & SodaShoes: Too Boot New YorkTie: J CrewShirt: ExpressPocket Square: Near No...

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Really Cute Animals Sleeping | Interesting Latest Pictures

Posted by Unknown Monday, February 24, 2014 0 comments
 Really Cute Animals Sleeping Really Cute Animals Sleeping Really Cute Animals Sleeping Really Cute Animals Sleeping Really Cute Animals SleepingReally Cute Animals SleepingReally Cute Animals Sleep...

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Puma pop-up store

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
 FIRSTPUMA SELECT STORE OPENS! PUMA is adding to Cape Town’s creative energy for World DesignCapital 2014 by launching its first PUMA SELECT pop-up store on 6March 2014, showcasing collaborations with influential creatives,streetwear labels and fashion houses.Theopening night at 137 Bree Street will include live music escaping thedecks of Do Work, the record label of Electronic Dance Musicphenomenon...

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